Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Trent-Severn Waterway Lock 6 to a wall at Campellford, ON

Day #378: Overnight rain starting at 3:30 A.M. continuing at 5:30 A.M when Mike and I got up to prepare for departure. At 6:20 A.M. the rain had stopped we decided to depart the wall at TSW Lock 6 texted Justine on "Knight's Kingdom" they will follow shortly. At 7:23 A.M. "Parrot Bay" at the blue line at TSW Lock 7 where there was one other boat a French-Canadian couple that had stayed the night (no power on the lock wall). "Knight's Kingdom" joined "Parrot Bay" on the blue line at Lock 7 but on the port (left) side. Justine, Jim and Rocky climbed up the stair on the lock wall and walked across the lock gate to get to "Parrot Bay". Justine, Jim, Rocky, Mike and I talked for a bit while waiting for the lock staff to arrive. At 9:05 A.M. TSW Lock 7 dumped the water in the lock prior to the opening the gates. "Knight's Kingdom" talked to the lock staff they are going to raft to "Parrot Bay" for a total of three boats in the lock. At 9:35 A.M. all three boats clear of TSW Lock 7 (Glen Ross) after being raised 9 feet (#69 lock for the trip). At 11:30 A.M. all three boats clear of TSW Lock 10 (Percey Reach) after being raised 20 feet (#70 lock for the trip). At 12:00 P.M. the three boats were clear of TSW Lock 9 (Meyer's) after being raised 16 feet (#71 lock for the trip). At 12:30 P.M. all three boats were clear of TSW Lock 10 (Haig's Reach) after being raised 24 feet (#72 lock for the trip). At 1:30 P.M. all three boats clear of TSW Locks 11 & 12 (Ranny Falls which is a double lock) (Lock #73 & #74 for the trip) where the boat goes into one chamber after being raised it then moves to the next chamber to be raised again for a total of 48 feet. At 1:45 P.M. "Parrot Bay" was secure in Campbellford after traveling 24.4 miles (4,679.4 miles total for the trip) there are two large walls on each side of the waterway that can accommodate numerous boats. "Parrot Bay" was able to get a space on the port side of the river as we needed 30 amp power. On the starboard side of the river the bigger boats that need 50 amp power end up on that side of the river. Again, all of the locks today had the cable that docklines were wrapped around to secure the boat in the locks. I was taking multiple phone calls and texts from boats that are traveling toward Campbellford wondering about space. At 2:30 P.M. Mike and I walked across the river as we were on a mission to buy chocolate, cheese and bakery goods. The two of us first walked to World's Finest Chocolate Store where there was a boat load of chocolate mostly buy one get one. World's Finest Chocolate are the candy bars that most schools sell for fundraisers. The two of us then headed to Dooher's Bakery where we bought maple donuts with and without nuts. We then headed back to the boat to unload chocolate and donuts. The staff at the visitor center said that Empire Cheese was a long walk so Mike and I went to the grocery store buying some Empire Cheese. The clouds moved in and the winds started to blow very hard there were a few sprinkles but for the most part it looked worse then it actually was outside. Mike and I assisted "The Lower Place" to get tied up as they came in during the worst of the winds. At 5:00 P.M. Mike headed to docktails while I took a break catching up on the blog. I did leave a message at the Hastings Village Marina as it looks like storms are moving into the area so it was decided to stay on the wall in Campbellford an extra day until the weather passes through the area.
Very small space to get "Parrot Bay" through on the Trent-Severn Waterway.

Very large granite obstruction next to the red marker. 

                                                          Lots of white swans in Canada.
                                                Adult eagle on the Trent-Severn Waterway.

Canadian boat structure. 

TSW Lock 7 (Glen Ross).
"Parrot Bay" on the blue line on TSW Lock 7 waiting for the lock to open.
"Knight's Kingdom" rafted to "Parrot Bay" in TSW Lock 7. Justine monitoring the line securing the two boats together. 

Leaving TSW Lock 7 had a swing bridge that needed to open after the lock so that the boats could progress out of the lock. 

Old railroad bridge on the shore just passed TSW Lock 7.

TSW Lock 8 (Percey Reach).

TSW Lock 9 (Meyer's) 

Rocky on "Knight's Kingdom" helping to lock. 

Granite rock with day marker and tree growing on it. 
                                                           TSW Lock 10 (Haig's Reach).

"Kawartha Voyageur" a tour boat.

Heading into Lock 11 & 12 (Ranny Falls) a double lock connected together.

Double lock the boats were raised then the blue door opened leading into the second lock then raised again for a total of 48 feet.

NEBO trip Lock 6 Frankford, ON to Campbellford, ON

In the park next to the wall is a very large toonie (Canadian 2 dollar coin). 

The boats on the port (left side) wall in Campbellford lots of boats. "Parrot Bay" way down the line. 

                                                                     Campbellford, ON

Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish Church in Campbellford, ON.

Mike and I bought lots of chocolate at the World's Finest Chocolate Factory Outlet Store. 

Dooher's Bakery a staple here in Campbellford, ON.
Mike and I standing on the bridge in Campbellford when INNTW went under the bridge heading towards TSW Lock 13 looking for a place to tie up for the night. 

Old Mill Park is where the wall is for the boats to tie up on the port (left) side of the canal in Campbellford. 

Oops about forgot to get the back of the toonie statue. 

Empire Cheese factory is also located in Campbellford.