Crate Marine in Belleville, ON (Limerick Lake)
Day #372: Mike and I awoke to the sounds of birds singing after a great night sleep in Ed and Kyle's cottage. Kyle and Ed made eggs (double yolk), bacon and cinnamon rolls for breakfast. After breakfast the four of us headed to the dock to enjoy the morning sunshine and warm temperatures. Ed and Kyle packed the group a picnic lunch we put on bathing suits hopping in the Larson heading out onto Limerick Lake. Ed took the group around the outskirts of the lake we got to look at all the cottages. Our group stopped off at Limerick Lake Resort and Marina to top the boat off with gasoline that is where Mike and I met Ed's brother George who was busy working on one of the boat houses. The four of us headed back out zipping around the lake enjoying the beautiful weather and scenery. Ed took the group to Dark Lake off Limerick Lake where the four of us headed up on shore to a picnic table up on rocks that looked down over the water. Ed, Kyle, Mike and I enjoyed cherries, cheese, sausage, trail mix, pickles, crackers and butter tarts for dessert. After completing lunch and cleaning up we hopped back on the boat after just a short ride Ed stopped the boat. The four of us all jumped in the 105 feet of water where the surface layer was warm but a little cooler down low. We had a great time. After swimming the four of us headed back out zipping across the lake enjoying the scenery. Ed stopped at a small dock where there was a natural spring water the four each had very cold glass of water as they continued our tour on the lake. At 4:30 P.M. we headed back to the cottage after securing the boat it was time for happy hour on the dock where it was sunny and warm. Ed made his famous all berry frozen drink (which has been requested by me as I missed them since we were at Aquamarine in Florida). As 6:00 P.M. approached it was time for dinner preparation. Ed and Kyle made grilled steaks, asparagus and salad (grown by Kyle and Ed in pots on their porch). After a great dinner it was time for strawberries on meringue (YUM). The four of us then headed up to the living room where we sat talking but before the evening was complete the four finished up the blueberry buckle. It was then time for bed.
Mink running across Ed and Kyle's see wall.
What a beautiful morning to sit on the dock.
Loons enjoying the afternoon sunshine.
Ed, Kyle, Mike and my lunch spot.
The guys unpacking the picnic lunch.
The view from the picnic table.
The swimming hole. |
Ed enjoying the water oops he forgot to take his hat off. |
Mike enjoying the water.
Mike and I enjoying being back in fresh water. Look how clear the water is!!!!
Ed getting the group fresh spring water for the afternoon boat ride.
Afternoon loon.
What a delicious meal!
Ed whipping up dessert for dinner. |