Utsch's Marina in Cape May, New Jersey
Day #346: From last evening Mike beat me at cribbage. The two of us were up at 6:15 A.M. for coffee, grapefruit, lemon bread and cookies. At 8:15 A.M. Mike started the engines in preparation to change the oil. The actual process started at 8:30 A.M. finishing at 10:30 A.M. it was the perfect day for this job as it was cool and there was nothing else pressing that needed to be completed. With this oil change "Parrot Bay" will not need another oil change until she is back in Bay City, MI. After lunch onboard we headed to downtown Cape May. Once Mike and I were in downtown we headed toward the ocean walking on the boardwalk. The two of us were going to go out onto the beach but were stopped and asked if we had our beach passes which the two of us of answered "no". Apparently, most of the New Jersey beaches you have to pay either a daily, weekly or yearly pass to be able to use the beach. Mike and I decided that we didn't need to go onto the beach. We walked down the boardwalk walking into a few surf shops. Mike spotted Madison's Bakery so the two of us went in to get a few sweet treats for the next few mornings as we are going to be in Cape May most likely until Tuesday. We then headed to the Washington Street Mall which is very similar to the City Market in Savannah, GA. where there are three blocks of restaurants and shops. After walking Washington Street Mall the two of us headed to ACME Market which is the local grocery store to stock up on fresh fruits. Mike and I then headed back to the marina. The two of us decided to head up to the flying bridge with our beverages but the wind was cool and gusting so we ended up having happy hour inside the cabin on the boat. Mike and I really noticed that it's Friday in a resort town. The noise level is increasing and the streets are very busy. Cape May does not have chain restaurants or hotels, what you find are bed & breakfast inns and locally owned restaurants. Bev and Bruce from "Baytripper" called this afternoon. It was great to talk to the two of them. Mike and I miss traveling with the two of them. The two of us had hot swiss and ham sandwiches for dinner. After dinner it was time to blogging and reading.
Oil changing time!!! Oil suction pump in the black tub. It sucks the oil out the dipstick hole. |
Cape May has the United States Coast Guard Training Center so numerous times a day you can see one of the USCG helicopters flying overhead.
Olsen House (1860)
The magnolia trees are in full bloom in Cape May and they smell awesome.
First Baptist Church (1879)
The Queen Victorian Bed & Breakfast which is set in quaint houses dating from 1876.
The Columbia House which is another one of the Bed & Breakfast places in Cape May.
Beauclaires Bed & Breakfast Inn
The Cape May Inn which is a Victorian Inn that has been in business for over 110 years.
Mike at the conference center. This is the closest that Mike and I could get to the beach without paying $6.00 each.
The boardwalk in Cape May near the Atlantic Ocean. (not really boards...……)
Mike and I were looking to restock the sweet treats they found Madison's Bakery were they bought 4 sticky buns that will last them for 8 days as they are huge.
Our Lady Star of the Sea Roman Catholic Church.
Mike and I walking down one side of Washington Street Mall.
Mike and I walking down the other set of shops/restaurants at Washington Street Mall.
The William Townsend House (1833)