Day #339: Mike and I were up at 5:00 A.M. to prepare for departure. The weather was cloudy, temperatures in the mid-60's and light winds. At 6:05 A.M. "Parrot Bay" was underway with Navy sailboats out on the water. At 7:00 A.M. "Parrot Bay" under the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. At 7:10 A.M. "Parrot Bay" passed Sandy Point Light. At 8:45 A.M. the tug/barge "Chesapeake Coast" passed "Parrot Bay" from the stern followed by the tug/barge "Captain Hank" The seas were 2 feet with RPM's for 7.5 miles per hour the boat speed was 10 miles per hour (2.5-3.0 favorable tidal current). At 11:00 A.M. "Parrot Bay" passed Turkey Point Light with waves 1 foot or less at that time "Parrot Bay" was exiting the Chesapeake Bay and entering Elk River. At 12:00 P.M. "Parrot Bay" was out of the Elk River into the C & D canal. Mike called Summit North Marina in Bear, Delaware to see if they would extend our stay three days starting on Saturday which they were happy to accommodate. The plan will be to leave Summit North when the weather improves, skip Delaware City heading straight to Cape May, New Jersey. "Parrot Bay" was at the Chesapeake Bridge at 12:30 P.M. At 12:40 P.M. "Parrot Bay" was secure at the Chesapeake Inn Restaurant and Marina. "Parrot Bay" is sticking out of the slip but secure for the night. Clem explained that this is not an inn but it is a restaurant that has a tiki bar, casual outside/inside seating and more formal dinning room. Mike and I sat outside on the deck to have lunch the two of us started with crab dip followed by a meat pizza which was excellent. Mike worked on a few boat jobs while I cancelled the reservation at Delaware City Marina that was to start on Sunday and I made reservations for Utsch's Marina in Cape May, NJ. At 3:45 P.M. Mike and I decided to go for a walk in Chesapeake City where we found that it was mainly homes with a few cute stores in old homes. We found a coffee shop that sold bakery goods so we purchased two cinnamon rolls and large chocolate chip cookies for our breakfasts for the next few mornings. The two of us then headed back to the boat to have happy hour on the flying bridge. We enjoyed people watching as the tiki bar and outside tables where full of people. The restaurant staff where taking orders for food and drinks for boats coming to the dock so there were boats in and out of the marina that were fun to watch. At 7:45 P.M. it was time for blogging and reading. The party continued at the restaurant with live music and boats continuing to come and go as it is a Friday night. On Saturday we only have 6 miles to Summit North Marina so the plan is to stay in Chesapeake City until 11 A.M. before heading to Summit.

PARROT BAY'S GREAT LOOP ADVENTURE 2: The Great Loop is a 5,500 mile trip will include the Great Lakes (Lake Huron and Lake Michigan Shore), Illinois River, Mississippi River, Ohio River, Tenn-Tom Waterway to Mobile, wintering in Florida, Atlantic Intercostal Waterway in the Spring, Hudson River, Erie Canal, Lake Ontario, Canadian Canals (Trent-Severn), Georgian Bay/North Channel returning to Bay City approximately August 2019.
Friday, June 7, 2019
Annapolis Yacht Basin in Annapolis, Maryland to Chesapeake Inn Restaurant and Marina in Chesapeake City, Maryland
Day #339: Mike and I were up at 5:00 A.M. to prepare for departure. The weather was cloudy, temperatures in the mid-60's and light winds. At 6:05 A.M. "Parrot Bay" was underway with Navy sailboats out on the water. At 7:00 A.M. "Parrot Bay" under the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. At 7:10 A.M. "Parrot Bay" passed Sandy Point Light. At 8:45 A.M. the tug/barge "Chesapeake Coast" passed "Parrot Bay" from the stern followed by the tug/barge "Captain Hank" The seas were 2 feet with RPM's for 7.5 miles per hour the boat speed was 10 miles per hour (2.5-3.0 favorable tidal current). At 11:00 A.M. "Parrot Bay" passed Turkey Point Light with waves 1 foot or less at that time "Parrot Bay" was exiting the Chesapeake Bay and entering Elk River. At 12:00 P.M. "Parrot Bay" was out of the Elk River into the C & D canal. Mike called Summit North Marina in Bear, Delaware to see if they would extend our stay three days starting on Saturday which they were happy to accommodate. The plan will be to leave Summit North when the weather improves, skip Delaware City heading straight to Cape May, New Jersey. "Parrot Bay" was at the Chesapeake Bridge at 12:30 P.M. At 12:40 P.M. "Parrot Bay" was secure at the Chesapeake Inn Restaurant and Marina. "Parrot Bay" is sticking out of the slip but secure for the night. Clem explained that this is not an inn but it is a restaurant that has a tiki bar, casual outside/inside seating and more formal dinning room. Mike and I sat outside on the deck to have lunch the two of us started with crab dip followed by a meat pizza which was excellent. Mike worked on a few boat jobs while I cancelled the reservation at Delaware City Marina that was to start on Sunday and I made reservations for Utsch's Marina in Cape May, NJ. At 3:45 P.M. Mike and I decided to go for a walk in Chesapeake City where we found that it was mainly homes with a few cute stores in old homes. We found a coffee shop that sold bakery goods so we purchased two cinnamon rolls and large chocolate chip cookies for our breakfasts for the next few mornings. The two of us then headed back to the boat to have happy hour on the flying bridge. We enjoyed people watching as the tiki bar and outside tables where full of people. The restaurant staff where taking orders for food and drinks for boats coming to the dock so there were boats in and out of the marina that were fun to watch. At 7:45 P.M. it was time for blogging and reading. The party continued at the restaurant with live music and boats continuing to come and go as it is a Friday night. On Saturday we only have 6 miles to Summit North Marina so the plan is to stay in Chesapeake City until 11 A.M. before heading to Summit.
Day #339: Mike and I were up at 5:00 A.M. to prepare for departure. The weather was cloudy, temperatures in the mid-60's and light winds. At 6:05 A.M. "Parrot Bay" was underway with Navy sailboats out on the water. At 7:00 A.M. "Parrot Bay" under the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. At 7:10 A.M. "Parrot Bay" passed Sandy Point Light. At 8:45 A.M. the tug/barge "Chesapeake Coast" passed "Parrot Bay" from the stern followed by the tug/barge "Captain Hank" The seas were 2 feet with RPM's for 7.5 miles per hour the boat speed was 10 miles per hour (2.5-3.0 favorable tidal current). At 11:00 A.M. "Parrot Bay" passed Turkey Point Light with waves 1 foot or less at that time "Parrot Bay" was exiting the Chesapeake Bay and entering Elk River. At 12:00 P.M. "Parrot Bay" was out of the Elk River into the C & D canal. Mike called Summit North Marina in Bear, Delaware to see if they would extend our stay three days starting on Saturday which they were happy to accommodate. The plan will be to leave Summit North when the weather improves, skip Delaware City heading straight to Cape May, New Jersey. "Parrot Bay" was at the Chesapeake Bridge at 12:30 P.M. At 12:40 P.M. "Parrot Bay" was secure at the Chesapeake Inn Restaurant and Marina. "Parrot Bay" is sticking out of the slip but secure for the night. Clem explained that this is not an inn but it is a restaurant that has a tiki bar, casual outside/inside seating and more formal dinning room. Mike and I sat outside on the deck to have lunch the two of us started with crab dip followed by a meat pizza which was excellent. Mike worked on a few boat jobs while I cancelled the reservation at Delaware City Marina that was to start on Sunday and I made reservations for Utsch's Marina in Cape May, NJ. At 3:45 P.M. Mike and I decided to go for a walk in Chesapeake City where we found that it was mainly homes with a few cute stores in old homes. We found a coffee shop that sold bakery goods so we purchased two cinnamon rolls and large chocolate chip cookies for our breakfasts for the next few mornings. The two of us then headed back to the boat to have happy hour on the flying bridge. We enjoyed people watching as the tiki bar and outside tables where full of people. The restaurant staff where taking orders for food and drinks for boats coming to the dock so there were boats in and out of the marina that were fun to watch. At 7:45 P.M. it was time for blogging and reading. The party continued at the restaurant with live music and boats continuing to come and go as it is a Friday night. On Saturday we only have 6 miles to Summit North Marina so the plan is to stay in Chesapeake City until 11 A.M. before heading to Summit.