Myrtle Beach Yacht Club in Myrtle Beach South Carolina to Southport Marina in Southport, North Carolina
Day #309: From last evening Mike beat me at cribbage. The two of us were up at 5:00 A.M. to prepare for departure. Clear and temperature of 70 degrees. The engines were on at 5:55 A.M. At 6:00 A.M. "Parrot Bay" was away from the dock before dredging started at 6:30 A.M. in the marina. Mike had to dodge floats on dredge set-up. At 6:40 A.M. "Parrot Bay" crossed from South Carolina to North Carolina. Shallotte Inlet was a concern with possible shallow water but it has been dredged and was deep when "Parrot Bay" passed through. At 9:05 A.M. "Parrot Bay" was at Lockwood Folly Inlet another concern with shallow water. The markers were repositioned but in deep water so there were no problems. At 10:45 A.M. "Parrot Bay" was secure at Southport Marina after traveling 37.2 miles (3,416 miles total for the trip). At 11:30 A.M. Mike and I decided to walk the waterfront and found multiple restaurants on the water. We decided to eat at Provision Company. I had a grouper salad sandwich and Mike had 1/2 pound of steamed shrimp with a crab cake. After lunch the two of us walked the town checking out the waterfront and North Carolina Maritime Museum at Southport. We did a bit of shopping before heading back to the boat. Mike and I washed down the "Parrot Bay" and washed the windows. After cleaning it was time for happy hour on the flying bridge where there was a refreshing breeze. Captain Crusty and Dorothy on "Magic" arrived at the marina. At 6:00 P.M. Mike and I attended "ICW Navigation and Weather Briefs at the Dock" which is held nightly at 6 P.M. and is hosted by Hank Pomeranz, USN Meteorologist (retired) and Offshore/AICW Cruising sailor. Hank presents on navigation on trouble spots between Southport to Portsmouth, Virginia and weather map discussions, current and forecast weather, tides and seas for the Southport area, ICW and coastal conditions for transit. Hank spoke for 1 1/2 hours Mike and I both found the information to be very helpful.
"The Big M Casino" and "Big M Casino" both from Fort Myers Beach, FL
Beautiful sunrise this morning over Myrtle Beach.
Whew!!! The Coast Guard boat passed "Parrot Bay" and kept going this morning. |
Sad sight!
Love the spiral staircase to the top of this house. |
"Wesley's Pride" shrimping boat. Doesn't look like Wesley has pride in this boat anymore it looks very rough.
Tug "Ponco" passed the "Parrot Bay" This tug was stacked high.
Looking out into the Atlantic Ocean as "Parrot Bay" passed through Lookwood Folly Inlet.
NEBO Myrtle Beach Yacht Club to Southport Marina
This is me waiting for my grouper salad sandwich at Provision Company. |
Oak Island Lighthouse
Inside Provision Company you order your seafood at the counter and they bring it out to you while you sit outside looking over the intercoastal waterway.
Great place to eat lunch or dinner.
 Captain Thomas Mann was a successful Civil War blockade runner and river pilot. He survived the war to enjoy living in Southport. His house was built in 1869, was the first to have both a cupola and "Widow's Walk".
"Maersk Weymouth" ocean going container ship heading up the Cape Fear River.
Wilmington Cape Fear Pilot's Association.
Mike and I visited the North Carolina Maritime Museum at Southport.
Yup-it was FREE!
Very cool store they have YETI, Salt Life, Patagonia, Columbia, Reef, Sperry etc. Mike bought himself a belt.
Old Baldy Head Lighthouse. Original lighthouse was erected in 1794. Present tower, "Old Baldy" built in 1817 was used until 1935. Stands 3 miles south.
Both Mike and I enjoyed the discussion this evening presented by Hank Pomeranz who does this talk nightly (WOW). Southport Marina provides the packet of information in color for all of the slides that Hank provided during the talk. Carolina Yacht Care and Zimmerman Marine sponsor this valuable service.