Aquamarina Palm Harbour Marina in Cape Haze, Florida
Day #213: From last night Mike won a game of cribbage. Up at 6:30 A.M. for coffee, grapefruit, mini lemon poppy seed muffins. Mike and I prepared the dinghy for a trip to Don Pedro. At 8:40 A.M. we headed over to see Bruce and Bev before they left for Sanibel Island. The two of us were joined by Ed and Kyle for goodbyes. Bruce and Bev left their slip at 9:00 A.M. David and Jan joined the group to watch "Bay Tripper" as they left Aquamarina. Mike and I headed back to "Parrot Bay" and were off to Don Pedro State Park. Ed and Kyle joined Mike and Patty for the beach walk as the weather was beautiful. It was in the 70's and sunny. At 12:30 P.M. the four headed back to the marina. After lunch we headed to the pool for the afternoon. Ed and Kyle joined us at the pool. Late afternoon David joined the group as well. I sent Bev a text to see how they did getting to Sanibel. Bev responded that they had arrived and had been able to go to the beach (Bev has been talking about going to the beach at Sanibel for months) and they were going to grab a bite to eat. At 4:00 P.M. the pool party broke up.
"Bay Tripper" heading out of Aquamarina Palm Harbour.
Mike and I had seen these on Stump Pass Beach a couple of weeks ago. Today they saw them in the water. Not sure that they look all that stable.