Aquamarina Palm Harbour Marina in Cape Haze, Florida
Day #198: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CAPTAIN MIKE!!!! Up at 6:30 A.M. for coffee, grapefruit, mini blueberry muffins and cookies. Temperature was 44 degrees this morning but sunny. Mike and I walked to the Publix to purchase the last ingredient for a mold/mildew solution to use on the teak in the boat. At 12:30 P.M. Bruce/Bev, Ed/Kyle, David/Jan and Mike/I each headed out in our dinghies to have lunch at The Lighthouse Grill at Stump Pass Marina to celebrate Mike (today) and Bev's (Sunday) birthdays. Lunch was awesome. At 3:00 P.M. we headed out from The Lighthouse Bruce and Bev headed back to the marina as they had family arriving. David/Jan, Ed/Kyle and Mike and I headed out to Stump Pass where there were numerous dolphins. After the dinghy was stowed Mike and I headed to the flying bridge for a drink until the temperature started to drop. It was then time for blogging before condo association meeting at 6:30 P.M.
Happy Birthday Captain Mike!
Thanks to Ed and Kyle for the cookies for Mike's birthday. |
Bruce and Bev part of the flotilla heading to lunch.
Ed and Kyle-thanks for the great idea for lunch at The Lighthouse Grill at Stump Pass Marina. |
David and Jan heading to lunch.
Mike and Patty going to lunch. Thanks Bev for the picture.
The Lighthouse Grill at Stump Pass Marina.
Gift from Bruce and Bev. For those of you who know Mike know that this is one of his favorite versus. A wonderful bird is the Pelican; His beak can hold more than his belican, He can hold in his beak enough food for a week, though I'm damned if I know how the helican!
Patty thanks Bruce and Bev so very much as she has heard this saying thousands of time.
Happy Birthday Mike (today) and Happy Birthday Bev (Sunday).
Kyle, Mike, Bev, Bruce, David, Jan and Kyle.
One more time this picture with Patty but without Kyle.
Stump Pass Marina where The Lighthouse Grill is located.
Bruce and Bev from "Bay Tripper".
Mike and Patty from "Parrot Bay".
Jan and David from "Optimystique".
Kyle and Ed from "It's OK 2".
The whole gang together.
On our way back the dolphins were out playing.
Mike said that the dolphins were playing but Patty said that they were mating. |
Thanks Mom Burdo for the banana bread a gift to Mike for his birthday. |