Aquamarina Palm Harbour Marina in Cape Haze, Florida
Day #197: Up at 6:30 A.M. for coffee, grapefruit, blueberry mini muffins and cookies. Temperature this morning was 44 degrees. We headed to the Publix with the stroller to get beverages and food. Hard to believe in one week Mark, Leah and Amanda will be here for a visit. The two of us started to prepare for their arrival. Upon returning to the boat I worked on paperwork while Mike went to the engine room to work on replacing the starboard Racor fuel filter. Mike also worked on the depth finder. After the engine room Mike worked on making sure that we have all of the charts that we are going to need as we move up the eastern seaboard starting in April. Mike worked a bit more on the depth finder. Mike and I headed up to the flying bridge for reading. It was warm in the sun but temperature was 62 with a north wind. Shawn and Cindy from "Knot Just Dream'n" who are gold loopers stopped by the "Parrot Bay". Shawn, Cindy and friends had brought the boat to Aquamarina to have lunch at Leverocks. The winds picked up and sun went away so Mike and I headed into the boat to warm up. At 4:00 P.M. the two of us went for a walk to the ACE Hardware as Mike needed a few items. After dinner clean up it was time for blogging, reading and a quiet evening.
Mike working on changing the fuel filters.
Mike working on the depth finder.
This is the wet well for the depth finder in the engine room. |