Green Turtle Bay Resort in Grand Rivers, KY
Day #95: Up at 6:30 A.M. for coffee, gingersnaps and maple cookies. Going to be another hot and humid day with temperatures in the high 80's. Mike and I walked part of the grounds here at Green Turtle Bay. We went in search of a pool. We ran into Bev as she was out walking the grounds as well. We made date for after the Michigan versus Maryland football game to go to the outdoor pool for swimming and happy hour. Mike and I walked a total of 2.17 miles. Mike made popcorn at 10:30 A.M. for the football game. At game time there was a delay due to lightening at Michigan Stadium so the game didn't start until 12:10 P.M. Mike and I watched through the 3rd quarter but at 2:30 P.M. we met "Baytripper" and "Tyche" at the outdoor pool. When we got there "Optimystique" and "Blue Moon" were also at the pool. We had a great time all talking about our experiences. Michigan won the game 42-21 over Maryland. At 5:00 P.M we headed back to the boat. We decided with Bev and Bruce that we were going to go out to eat at 6:30 P.M. we invited "Tyche" to go as well. Stopped by "Knot Kidding" as they just crossed their wake two days ago they were having a small party on the dock they are now flying their gold burgee. "Baytripper" and "Tyche" joined us at The Thirsty Turtle. Time for some football before bed.
This is the map of Green Turtle Bay. It is huge.
Looking out over the marina and over Barkley Lake.