Grand Harbor in Counce, Tennessee
Day #107: From last evening Mike and I played three game of cribbage, Mike won 2 games and I won one. Up at 6:30 A.M. for coffee, grapefruits, vanilla wafer, maple cookies and gingersnaps. Working on a few boat jobs. Mike is continuing to put together our plans for the next few weeks as we are traveling down the Tenn-Tom canal. "Tyche" headed out this morning, Jay stopped by to let us know that they will keep us posted on how travel is down the Tenn-Tom waterway. At around 11:00 A.M. Mike and I headed over to the fuel dock for some diesel and a pump out (free pump out with a fill up). After starting up the generator and spraying for spiders, Mike and I went for a walk in the resort complex. My Mom called me just as Mike and I were heading out of the complex on the road we had a police officer stop to see if we needed any help, which Mike politely told the police officer that we were staying at the marina and that we are just out for a walk. We headed back to the boat after our 2.48 mile walk. We had happy hour out on the well deck as it was sunny but the wind picked up out of the north making it a bit chilly. At 3:00 P.M. Mike and I headed inside for two games of cribbage which we each won a game. After cleaning up from dinner we got ready to participate in the monthly condo meeting via phone.
This guy joined me in the restroom this morning. |
This buddy was on the dock with us this morning. |
Out for a walk we found this prickly pear cactus.
Our view across the river from the marina.
"Capt. Anthony" pushing a barge. We are thinking that this is a steam generating vessel as it had TVA on the wrapping.