Saturday, August 10, 2019

Sportsman's Inn Marina in Killarney, ON

Starting Sunday Mike and Patty will be in a remote anchorage for a few days with no cell or internet service. 

Day #403: From last night Mike beat me at cribbage. Mike and I were up at 6:45 A.M. for coffee, cinnamon rolls and peaches/blueberries. Mike and I said "see you later" to "The Lower Place" as they headed out of Killarney, Mike and I most likely will not see Robin and Charlie again on the loop. The two of us are making our Sunday night phone calls on Saturday morning as starting on Sunday they will be in remote anchorages for a few days.
Baie Finn: (very popular anchorage in the North Channel there will be lots of beautiful pictures) will be here most likely 2 days.
Little Current Marina: one night
The Benjamin's Anchorage: 1 or 2 nights
Kagawong Marina: Bridal Falls is the feature in Kagawong.
Meldrum Bay: this will be a staging area for Mike and Patty to cross Lake Huron.
Presque Isle: Parrot Bay crosses their wake (put up the gold flag). Staging area to be able to get back to get to Harrisville.
Harrisville: staging area to be able to get to Bay City.

At 10:45 A.M. the boat behind "Parrot Bay" left and the service dock was empty so Mike backed the boat out of the slip and backed it up to the service dock for a pumpout. At 11:00 A.M. "Parrot Bay" was back in the slip. John, Gina, Mike and I piled into John/Gina's dinghy heading to Covered Portage Cove which is a beautiful anchorage. The high bluffs create a really neat profile of an Indian chief's face. Lots of pictures were taken of the Indian face.  As the cove opens up there are spectacular rock formations on both sides with teal-blue water. After the four explored the cove it was time to head back to the marina. Mike and Patty had lunch onboard the boat. In the afternoon there was an outdoor wedding at the Sportsman's Inn so Gina and John joined Mike and I on the flying bridge of "Parrot Bay". At 6:00 P.M. the four of us headed to get ice cream at Channel Marina. The four of us then headed back the boat for the night as it was time for a Jimmy Buffet concert, blogging and reading.

Mike and I heading to see Covered Portage. (Thanks to John for taking this picture).
Outdoor wedding at the Sportman's Inn.