South Benjamin's Anchorage to Kagawong, ON
Day #406: Mike and I were up at 6:30 A.M. for breakfast of coffee, cookies and peach/blueberries (that Mike and I picked). At 9:40 A.M. the engines were on. At 9:55 A.M. "Alysana" was casted off and Mike brought up "Parrot Bay's" anchor. There was some mud but no trees. At 10:30 A.M. both boats were off Logan Reef Buoy with seas of 1 to 1 1/2 on the port quarter, not an uncomfortable ride but all were glad that it was only a 2 hour run to Kagawong. At 10:50 A.M. both boats were at the South tip of Clapperton Island. At 12:05 P.M. "Parrot Bay" secure at Kagawong Municipal Marina after traveling 15.1 miles (5,153.6 miles total for the trip). At 12:15 P.M. "Alysana" was secure on the dock. At 12:30 P.M. John, Gina, Mike and I headed out to find lunch, groceries, beer and Bridal Veil Falls. There is only a café in Kagawong as Andrew the dockhand explained that it is difficult for a restaurant to survive here as it is only a 2 months season. Gina, John, Mike and I headed to the Main St. Café where the four of us had a great lunch on paninis, salads and drinks. Gina and John bought Mike and I lunch as a congratulations on crossing our wake in a few days. After lunch the four of us headed to the LCBO, variety store and small grocery store. Mike was able to buy beer. It was then off to the Bridal Falls where John, Gina and I took pictures while Mike went into the falls. The four of us then headed back to the boats for the afternoon. Mike read on the dock while I caught up on the blog. It clouded up with a few episodes of sprinkles. Gina, John, Mike and I sat on the dock between the boats enjoying our last docktails as tomorrow John and Gina will be heading to Gore Bay and Mike and I will be heading to Meldrum Bay. John and Gina will continue to De Tour Village and Mackinaw City while Mike and Patty will be crossing back into Michigan. The four of us went for one last ice cream together.
NEBO trip from Benjamin's to Kagawong, ON. |
"Parrot Bay" and "Alysana's" marina for the today.
St. John The Evangelist Anglican Church.
There is lot of art work in Kagawong, ON. This piece is "Ascend/Transcend learning From the Past, Imagining a Shared Future: To ascend and transcend our relationship from the past to a new future in reconciling humanist ideals, our relationship to earth, air and water and body, mind and spirit."
Beautiful falls.
The Bridal Veil Falls are the big attraction in Kagawong.
LCBO, Variety Store and Grocery Store.
Only restaurant in town. The dockhand explained that it is difficult for restaurants to survive in the town due to only having a few months of summer.
Old school house is what houses the Main St. Café.
This was my lunch a pizza panini. The restaurant had all kinds of different paninis, salads, soups and desserts. |
Bridal Veil Falls
Thanks to John for sharing this picture looking out from behind the Bridal Veil Falls.
Mike enjoying Bridal Veil Falls. |
"Whitetail Deer this sculpture rejects the separation between cultural and natural. It rejects the division between an optimistic future and a tragic past. Instead it revels in the intersection between these forces. It is a zero-sum game between a doe, a buck, a fawn, a Ford F-150 bumper, the emerald ash borer and a propane tank. The work is whitetail deer in headlights."
John, Mike and I with the art. |
Kagawong has the Old Mill Heritage Center.
Inside the St. Johns The Evangelist Anglican Church. This is a famous Kagawong site due to the pulpit is the bow of a boat.