Peterborough Marina in Peterborough, ON to Islandview Resort-Marina & Trailer Park in Youngs Point, ON
Day #384: From last evening Mike beat me at cribbage. Mike and I were up at 4:50 A.M. to prepare for departure. At 5:30 A.M. "Parrot Bay" underway on Little Lake heading to the blue line on the lock wall. At 5:50 A.M. "Parrot Bay" was secure on the blue line at TSW Lock 20 with two other boats that had spent the night at the lock. "Jill Kristy" and "Alysana" tied up at the blue line behind "Parrot Bay". Four boats in the first locking "Relaxin", "Rikahna", "Jill Kristy" and "Parrot Bay". At 9:35 A.M. all boats clear of TSW Lock 20 (Ashburnham) after being raised 12 feet (#82 lock for the trip). At 9:45 A.M. "Parrot Bay" waiting at the gate for opening TSW Lock 21 I had a few tears looking up at the Peterborough Lift Lock. At 10:00 A.M. all four boats clear of TSW Lock 21 (Peterborough Lift Lock) after being raised 65 feet (#83 locks for the trip). At 11:10 A.M. clear of TSW Lock 22 (Nassau Mills) after being raised 14 feet there was a total of 6 boats in this lock (#84 lock for the trip). At 11:40 A.M. clear of TSW Lock 23 (Ontonabee) after being raised 12 feet (#85 lock for the trip). At 12:10 P.M. clear of TSW Lock 24 (Duoro) after being raised 12 feet (#86 lock for the trip). At 12:45 P.M. clear of TSW Lock 25 (Sawer Creek) after being raised 10 feet (#87 lock for the trip). At 1:25 P.M. clear of TSW Lock 26 (Lakefield) after being raised 15.7 feet (#88 lock for the trip). At 2:20 P.M. "Parrot Bay" on the blue line waiting for a lock opening. At 3:00 P.M. clear of TSW Lock 27 (Youngs Point) after being raised 7 feet (#89 lock for the trip). "Parrot Bay" headed to Islandview Resort-Marina & Trailer Park for the evening secure at 3:20 P.M after repositioning the boat three times and almost getting hit by a very large houseboat. Mike and I met the owner Keith who was very nice making sure that we were comfortable. "Parrot Bay" traveled 16.3 miles (4,756.3 miles total for the trip). Gina ("Alysana") and I were texting as she was wondering about docking at the marina. Mike and I talked to Keith who asked if they could wait to come to the marina until 5:30 P.M. but they were already through the lock. I was communicating with Gina as they exited the lock as there was no room on the wall, Keith agreed to have "Alysana" to come to the marina that they could tie off behind "Parrot Bay" until after 5:30 P.M. once the fuel dock closed. "Alysana" arrived at the marina at 4:00 P.M. Keith, Mike and Kyle assisted in docking. Gina, John, Mike and I had dinner at the Lock 27 Tap & Grill, the restaurant on-site as it was Mexican Monday. At 5:30 P.M. it was time for showers, blogging and preparation for Tuesday travel.
TSW Lock 20 at 8:20 A.M. boats waiting on the blue line to get into the lock at 9 A.M.
TSW Lock 20 very cool to be able to look at the lock while being tied up at the lock. |
TSW Lock 20
"Parrot Bay" clearing TSW Lock 20, the lock staff had to open this bridge as well.
Proceeding through the swing bridge the canal got very narrow.
"Parrot Bay" coming up on TSW Lock 21 Peterborough Lift Lock. Gate is starting to lower into the water "Parrot Bay" waiting to enter.
My view once "Parrot Bay" was secure in the lock. |
"Rikhana" next to "Parrot Bay" in the lift lock. |
My view looking up at starboard (right) chamber that lowers as the port (left) chamber raises.
The line that I was tending at the bow.
Mike tending the stern line. Mike had a cable up higher that he was able to hook his line to secure the boat.
"Rikhana" as we were rising to the top of the lift lock. |
Only a 90 second ride to the top. Heading up toward the upper gate.
Looking out to the port (left) side as the chamber was raising I could see down. "Parrot Bay" at the top. The gate is starting to lower into the water. middle of the channel.
TSW Lock 26 (Lakefield) "Parrot Bay" on the blue line as there is a boat in the lock being lowered.
NEBO trip Peterborough, ON to Youngs Point, ON
"Alysana" and "Parrot Bay" on the dock at Island View Marina in Youngs Point. Nice and cozy. |
"Parrot Bay" in the trees just like in Bashi Creek on the Tenn-Tom rivers. |