Sunday, July 14, 2019

Crates Marina in Belleville, ON to Trent Port Marina in Trenton, ON

Trent-Severn Waterway: is a historic canal operated by Parks Canada. The canal route is 240 miles connecting Lake Ontario at Trenton to the Georgian Bay, Lake Huron at Port Severn. Its major natural waterways include the Trent River, Otonabee River, the Kawartha Lakes, Lake Simco, Lake Couchiching and the Severn River. There are 44 locks, including 36 conventional locks, hydraulic lift locks at Peterborough and Kirkfield, and a marine railway at Big Chute which transports boats between the upper and lower sections of the Severn. 

Day 376: From last evening Mike beat me at cribbage. Mike and I were up at 6:00 A.M. for coffee, grapefruit, a cookie and a pecan butter tart. After breakfast the two of us prepared for departure. At 8:30 A.M. engines were started and 8:45 A.M. "Parrot Bay" was underway. Beautiful morning sunny, 65 degrees and 10 mile/hour breeze. At 10:15 A.M. "Parrot Bay" was tied up at Trent Port Marina after traveling 12 miles (4,646.7 miles total for the trip). The facility here at Trent Port is a brand new built in 2015 just beautiful. After we secured the boat and checked in the two of us walked 1.5 miles to Lock 1 where Mike and I picked up some general information about the Trent-Severn and we talked to the lockmaster. We were informed that Lock 1 most of the time does not answer the VHF or the phone.  They will just open the lock and will stagger the boats as it is only a starboard tie up. The lockmaster also told Mike and I that each lock will let the other one know that there are boats heading to that lock. After our visit to the lock we headed back towards downtown where we stopped at The Port Bistro Bar for late lunch we had a great meal. The two of us then headed to the Metro grocery store to pick up a few items that we needed on the boat. The two of us then headed back to the marina. I started making reservations at a few marinas for later in the week (there are walls that boats can tie to as well we are going to do a combination). The two of us worked on a few boat jobs to get the boat ready for departure in the morning like lowering the mast, getting charts ready, navigation planning, ice purchase and applying the lock sticker (on the Trent-Severn you need to purchase a lock pass that gets you into the locks and tying up to the walls). There were lots of boats that came into Trent Port Marina today.  There are 15 boats that are showing up on the app NEBO (there are probably more looper boats) so Monday should be interesting to see how many boats move. At 6:00 P.M. was a free Sunday night concert featuring the band "Off the Chartz". Robin and Charlie from "The Lower Place" joined Mike and I at the concert.
                                                              Canadian military plane. 

Out for a sail on a beautiful Sunday morning. 
                                               "Parrot Bay" heading into Trenton, ON.

NEBO trip from Belleville, ON to Trenton, ON.

Mike and I have been told that on the whole Trent-Severn Waterway there are beautiful flowers. Trenton started the beautiful flower gardens. 

A floating marine store at Trent Port Marina. 

Beautiful marina facilities at Trent Port Marina.

How cool is this, a Herb Garden. 

Trenton, ON.
                                                              Trenton Town Hall (1861).
              Waterway leading to Lock 1 on the Trent-Severn Waterway. "Parrot Bay" will be here                                                                             Monday morning. 
Lock 1 on the Trent-Severn Waterway.
Lockmaster house, visitor center and restrooms at Lock 1.

The Port Bistro Bar was a great stop for a late lunch early dinner.
                                Former Post Office building erected in 1888 occupied this site.

Charlie, Robin and Mike heading to the free Sunday night concert.
The band Off the Chartz performing in Trenton, ON.