Crates Marina in Belleville, ON (Limerick Lake)
Day #374: Mike and I were up at 6:30 A.M. At 8:00 A.M. Kyle and Ed made breakfast of bacon, eggs and cinnamon buns/butter tarts. The four of us got ready as we were heading out to Bancroft, ON. Bancroft is where Kyle and Ed go to re-provision the cottage. Ed took Kyle, Mike and myself on the scenic tour heading toward Bancroft which was lots of trees and rocks. For most of the trip to Bancroft it was a one track road through the woods with lots of ruts so all four of us were bouncing around and some trees were down due to the storm. We did run into a man and lady who were out with chainsaws trying to clear the roads. The four of us kept an eye out for any wildlife deer, elk, moose but none were seen. At 12:00 P.M. the four of us got into the town of Bancroft heading first to a Mennonite fruit/vegetable/bake goods stand. Mike purchased maple syrup along with some fresh baked goods. We then headed to grocery store as Ed and Kyle had a few items that they needed for the cottage. Mike found maple cookies that he had been looking for so he purchased all five boxes that were on the shelves. Ed then took the group to a Eagles Nest Park where the four of us walked trails that were located high up on granite mountain that looks out over the town of Bancroft and beyond. The group then headed to "For The Halibut" Fish & Chips Restaurant in Bancroft. The restaurant has only fish and chips there is a choice of three kinds of fish; haddock, halibut and pickerel. Mike had the pickerel while Ed, Kyle and I had the halibut. The four of us had a great lunch. After lunch we stopped off at a cute store West Winds Gallery & Gifts. After a bit of shopping the four of us hopped back in the car to head back to the marina. Ed had stopped off at the fudge store picking up four kinds of maple fudge so we sampled fudge as we started our trek back. Again, the four of us watched for wildlife as we headed back but it wasn't until heading back to Limerick Lake Marina and Resort that Mike saw a red fox. Ed backed the vehicle up all four of us were able to see the red fox. The group then proceeded to the marina loading our purchases into the boat and heading back to the cottage. At 4:30 P.M. Ed headed back to the marina to pick up some friends Mike and Wendy that were joining Ed, Kyle, Mike and I for happy hour. We were also joined by Kris and Charlie from the cottage next door, relatives of Ed's. The group of us sat out on the dock talking and laughing while having happy hour. Kris and Charlie headed back to their cottage. Mike and Wendy had brought a tri-tip that Mike barbequed on the grill and Kyle made bread. The six of us had a great meal. At 8:30 P.M. Ed and Mike took Wendy and Mike back to the marina. At 9:30 P.M. Ed, Kyle, Mike and myself retired to the living room. Ed and Mike looked at Trent-Severn charts while Kyle and I relaxed. At 10:30 P.M. all four of us retired for the night.
Mike (taking the picture), Wendy, Charlie, Kris, Ed, Kyle, myself and Mike at happy hour on Ed and Kyle's dock. |