Southport Marina in Southport, North Carolina to Topsail Island Marina in Surf City, North Carolina
Day #311: From last evening Mike beat me at cribbage. We were up at 5:00 A.M. to prepare for departure. Engines were started at 5:50 A.M. and they were away from the dock at 5:55 A.M. At 6:20 A.M. "Parrot Bay" entered the Cape Fear River with the current the boat was only going 4.5 miles per hour with RPM for 9.0 miles per hour. At 7:40 A.M. "Parrot Bay" entering "Snow's Cut" Mike and I used United States Army Corps of Engineers survey that we were given at the talk two evenings ago (we very happy that Hank and Southport Marina put on the talk it was extremely helpful). At 8:15 A.M. "Parrot Bay" was out of "Snow's Cut". At 9:30 A.M. "Parrot Bay" was at Wrightsville Beach Lift Bridge. It was cleared without an opening as the mast was down. At 10:00 A.M. "Parrot Bay" was at Figure Eight Island Swing Bridge it was cleared without an opening as the mast was down. At 12:00 P.M. "Parrot Bay" was secure on the fuel dock at Topsail Island Marina with help of Dee the harbormaster after traveling 48.3 miles (3,464.3 miles total for trip). Dee let Mike and I know all about the town which is very close to the beach with an IGA 3 minutes away, multiple shops and multiple restaurants. After completing a few boat jobs the two of us headed to Daddy's Mac's Beach and Grille which sits looking over the AICW. We had a great meal with an absolutely beautiful view. The two of us than headed to the IGA supermarket for a few grocery items. On our way back with our groceries we saw a bakery so we bought some sweet treats to have the next few days. The two of us than headed back to the boat with our purchases. Mike looked over the "plan on the day" for Saturday heading to Homer-Smith Marina in Beaufort, N.C. Mike called Camp Lejeune to find out on Saturday it there would be any live firings in which he was told that there would be none through the weekend (Whew!). The live firings happen near the intercoastal waterway which is closed off during that time it can occur 2-6 hours twice a day so it would mean that anchor would need to be deployed until the ICW is re-opened. I confirmed that Homer-Smith marina in Beaufort, NC had our reservation for tomorrow. Mike and I headed up to the flying bridge to have happy hour. The two of us talked to Captain James who use to be the dockmaster here and he told us about how the hurricanes have hit Surf City and how it is very difficult to recover. This area has been hit recently by Hurricane Matthew/Florence and Tropical Storm Michael. As Mike and I spent time today in town it is what people are talking about is the recovery efforts. At 6:00 P.M. we walked over to the Wings store a surf and beach shop where Mike bought a hat. It was then time for blogging and reading.
Ferry passing "Parrot Bay" early morning. |
Car ferry passing "Parrot Bay" "Fort Fisher".
"Bahri Tabuk"
The depth board for the Wrightsville Beach Lift Bridge. This is why Mike and I lower the mast and antennas. We were able to pass under without an opening.
A cool way to mark shallow water on the AICW. |
Mike and I saw lots of destruction during their travels today on the AICW.
We saw lots of osprey nests on their travels today. Every nest had mom/dad on the nest.
Beautiful home that Mike and I saw today on our travels.
Osprey nest with lots of poo.
NEBO Southport, NC to Surf City, NC
View coming into Topsail Island Marina.
Mike and I had lunch at Daddy Mac's Beach and Grille.
Here is me enjoying the view of the Atlantic ocean while having lunch. |
Beautiful lunch view from the restaurant.
During happy hour on the flying bridge Mike and I saw multiple military helicopters.
CH-53 King Stallion.
V-22 Osprey |