River Dunes Harbor Club & Marina in Oriental, North Carolina to River Forest Manor & Marina in Belhaven, North Carolina
Day #327: From last night Mike beat me at cribbage. Mike and I up at 6:30 A.M. for coffee, grapefruit, cookies and the local news. It was overcast with temperatures in the 70's. After the two of us reviewed the weather forecast the decision was made to leave today heading for Belhaven, N.C. At 8:15 A.M. I called River Forest Marina at first they were unsure if they could accommodate the "Parrot Bay" due to seven boats arriving today but then said that they would make room. At 8:55 A.M. the engines were started. At 9:00 A.M. the "Parrot Bay" was away from the dock at River Dunes. At 9:30 A.M. "Parrot Bay" was on the Neuse River with one foot waves. At 11:45 A.M. "Parrot Bay" was on the Pamlico River. At 12:30 P.M. "Parrot Bay" was on the Pungo River. The sun came out making the temperatures rise into the low 90's. At 1:45 P.M. "Parrot Bay" secure at the dock where I got to lasso her first stern piling. "Parrot Bay" traveled 40.6 miles today (3,599 miles for the trip). The marina had golf carts to take uptown Belhaven so Mike and I took a golf cart to the Food Lion, which was 1.5 miles from the marina, for a few groceries. After putting the groceries away the two of us headed up to the flying bridge for happy hour. During happy hour it was 92 degrees, sunny with no breeze hence Mike and I headed inside to be near the fans. Dinner was chili onboard the boat. It was time for Sunday night phone calls/FaceTime. After phone calls it was time for blogging and reading surrounded by fans. The plan is to leave in the morning heading for Alligator River.
Cool home looking out onto the Neuse River entering Goose Creek. |
This is the back of the home from Goose Creek the home looks out onto the Neuse River.
On Goose Creek in Hobucken, North Caroline you can get fuel and seafood. |
Very large shrimping boat the "Sharon Nicole". |
Small shrimping boat "Lone Star".
Hobucken, North Carolina has a Coast Guard Station.
You can't miss the marina they have a very large sign.
"Parrot Bay" getting close to the break wall the marina could be seen.
NEBO trip from Oriental, North Carolina to Belhaven, North Carolina
Mike and my ride to the Food Lion.
"Parrot Bay" in her slip at River Forest Manor & Marina
There are numerous boats at River Forest Manor & Marina tonight.