Homer-Smith Marina in Beaufort, North Carolina
Day #322: From last evening I beat Mike at cribbage. Mike and Patty were up at 6:30 A.M. for coffee, grapefruit and cookies. The two of us used the rental car to go grocery shopping at the Piggly Wiggly a few miles from the marina. After putting all of the groceries away it was time for small boat jobs. At 10:30 A.M. we returned the rental car to Enterprise in Moorehead City and we were given a ride back to the marina. Mike and I worked on more boat jobs. Mike and I headed up to the flying bridge for happy hour. I received a NEBO text from "Shangri-La" who are docked at the Beaufort Yacht Basin next door to Homer-Smith Marina asking if Mike and I would be interest in dinner at 6 P.M. for fresh fish which the two of us accepted. The two of us enjoyed the winds changing which decreased the humidity and the sun did came back out. The two of us walked up town to go back to Scuttlebutt Nautical Books & Bounty where Mike found a few more books. We went to the historical visitor center to get a map of locations that we should visit before leaving Beaufort. Mike and I walked over to the Yacht Basin to talk to Lee and Jan from "Shangri-La". The two of them caught the fish as they had gone out with a charter captain from the Beaufort Yacht Basin fishing. They caught the fish that the group would be eating this evening. I cooked up some baked beans to take along to dinner. Lee and Jan had invited boaters from the Beaufort Yacht Basin to share their fish and everyone brought food to share. Lee cooked the Spanish mackerel on the grill with his special spices, it was delicious. Mike and I found Lee and Jan to be very friendly. They are gold loopers who visited Beaufort, N.C. and they loved it so much that they decided to live there on their boat. Lee and Jan started a business "Breakfast on a Boat". Mike and I found them to be like old friends like we had known them forever all four shared stories of the loop. Mike and I headed back to the boat at 8:15 P.M. after the galley was cleaned up it was time for blogging and reading.
Mike and I found a Piggly Wiggly in Beaufort to do some grocery shopping.
A not so white ibis.
Spanish mackerel with Lee's special spices. |