City of Fort Myers Yacht Basin in Fort Myers, Florida
Day #274: From last evening Mike beat me at cribbage. We were up at 6:40 A.M for coffee, grapefruit, ginger cookies and mini blueberry muffins. On the AGLCA forum this morning a gentleman posted that due to the low water that the locks on the St. Lucie canal were closed. This would mean that the "Parrot Bay" could not be able to cross Lake Okeechobee as she would not be able to get into the St. Lucie canal hence she would be stuck. At 8:45 A.M. Mike called the Port Mayaca lockmaster where he was informed that the he was not the first to call and the information was incorrect that the locks are
open for boat traffic. So after much contemplation it was decided that the new plan was that the "Parrot Bay" would have the following schedule: Thursday to Moore Haven (2 locks) which is a 7 hour trip, then on Friday cross Lake Okeechobee getting to St. Lucie Marina and Campground (2 locks), then Saturday and Sunday at Fort Pierce (1 lock). Mike worked on navigation plans while I did laundry. Karen from "Island Girl" texted asking if we were still at City of Fort Myers Yacht Basin that Ken and her were thinking about making a road trip from Sarasota so plans were made for them to come in the afternoon. Mike and I walked to Publix to get a few grocery items. At 3:00 P.M. Ken and Karen arrived at the "Parrot Bay" the four of us had drinks on the well deck aboard the boat. At 5:00 P.M. the group of us headed over to have docktails with Kent and Jane from "Rising Tide" who are gold loopers and friends of Ken and Karen's. Mike from "Dash Away" got in contact with me about traveling together to Moore Haven so the plan was made to leave at 7:00 A.M. At 6:30 P.M. Ken, Karen, Mike and I headed to dinner for Karen's birthday at Capone's Coal Fired Pizza. After dinner Ken and Karen headed back to Sarasota. Mike and I prepared for departure in the morning for Moore Haven. After preparation it was time for blogging and reading.
Capone's Coal Fired Pizza
Happy Birthday to Karen!!!! Karen, myself, Mike and Ken at Capone's. (Check out the guy in the back ground with the sunglasses-photo bomb). |