Aquamarina Palm Harbour Marina in Cape Haze, Florida
Day #249: From last night Mike beat me at cribbage. At 10:30 P.M. the bilge alarm went off, then when it went off the second time Mike and I got out of bed immediately as it went off a third time. We could hear a noise, it was the hot water pump running. Mike went down into the engine room and found where a hose had popped off of the hot water heater and fresh water was pumping into the bilge. Mike shut down the water pump and hot water heater until he could re-attach the hose. Day Light Savings Time-remember to turn your clocks one hour ahead tonight. The two of us were up at 6:00 A.M. for coffee, baklava and grapefruit. We headed to Don Pedro Island State Park for beachcombing. Mike and I returned to the boat at 11:00 A.M. Mike fixed the water heater hose and then we headed to the pool where the two of us had cheese and crackers. At 1:15 P.M. the two of us headed to the boat to get ready for the de-naming and re-naming ceremony that Mike was officiating. On the way to the ceremony we picked up Larry and Sheryl on at their boat. Mike completed his 3rd de-naming/re-naming ceremony since we have been at Aquamarina. John and Karen de-named their boat "R-Cas-L" renaming their boat to "Cyylarus". After the ceremony the group all headed to the cabana for food and pool for swimming. At 5:00 P.M. Larry, Sheryl, Mike and I walked the mile to the Placida Grill for dinner. Ron and Linda from "Some Kind of Wonderful" joined the group. Placida Grill makes margaritas from fresh juices (and they are very good). Mike and I both had the tile fish, mashed potatoes and fresh vegetables the meals were awesome. Larry, Sheryl, Mike and I walked back to the marina. On the "Parrot Bay" it was bedtime for me while Mike read a bit.
Mike working on the hot water heater hose in the engine room-not much room. |
Looper boat "Manatee" cruising by the marina
Larry and Sheryl working on their main sail.
Mike starting the de-naming ceremony with John the owner of the boat listening. |
Karen, John's wife giving the old name to the sea. |
John and Karen celebrating the new name for their boat.
New boat name.
My margarita at Placida Grill.
Tilefish, mashed potatoes and fresh vegetables. |
Linda, myself, Mike, Larry, Sheryl and Ron a night out with friends.