Aquamarina Palm Harbour Marina in Cape Haze, Florida
Day #248: From last evening Mike beat me at cribbage. Up at 6:00 A.M. for coffee, baklava and grapefruit. After breakfast Mike mentioned that he saw some bubbles behind our boat in the fairway, but it disappeared. Mike headed to the restroom while I finished up the dishes looking out in the fairway I saw the bubbles again but this time a manatee nose came up for air. I watched the young manatee for about one hour while Mike worked in the engine room on the stand alone depth finder (yes-Mike is going to try again to get the apparatus to work). After Mike had completed the work on the depth sounder it was time to launch the dinghy the two of us headed to Don Pedro Island State Park. On the way to the island Mike and I saw three dolphins. The beachcombing on the Don Pedro for the two f us was awesome. As we were leaving the pavilion on Don Pedro the two of us saw a gopher tortious which we had not seen on the island since December 7th the first day that we had found the park. After lunch onboard we headed to the pool. The weather was perfect sunny and 82 degrees. During the afternoon we were joined by Sue, Betsy, David, Jan, Larry and Sheryl. After dinner it was time for reading and blogging.
Starting the morning with this young manatee in the marina basin near "Parrot Bay". |
We saw three dolphins in the intercoastal waterway. This one was right next to the dinghy. |
Blue Heron at Don Pedro Island State Park.
Gopher tortoise on Don Pedro Island State Park.
Sue and Betsy on "Hadley".
Connie, David, Jan and Ronnie on their way back to the marina from Don Pedro Island State Park. |