Aquamarina Palm Harbour Marina in Cape Haze, Florida
Day #149: Up at 6:30 A.M. for coffee, grapefruit and sweet treats. At 10:00 A.M. Bruce, Bev, Mike and I headed shopping. The two of us had shops that they wanted to share with Bruce and Bev that are fun stops while in the area, Christmas shopping and both couples had errand stops that we wanted to accomplish. Bruce, Bev, Mike and stopped at the following places: Swim Mart, Office Depot, Bealls, Shell Shop, West Marine, Burger King (lunch), Auto Parts Store, Beach Road Boutique and Pirates Dream (WHEW that is a lot of shopping!!!!). We returned to the boat at 3:30 P.M. after a successful day of shopping. Talked to Mark our son about some dates for our children and spouses to come to Florida to visit. Bruce and Bev came over to "Parrot Bay" for happy hour. Talked to Amanda our daughter about dates in January for a visit. Mike and I participated in the December condo association meeting at 6:30 P.M. via speaker phone Time for quiet time for the evening.
I shared one of my favorite stores in Englewood with Bev. This is a great store for swim wear. |
Another one of Mike and my favorite stores here in Florida. Bev got to experience Bealls Bucks! Yup we will be going back to spend our Bealls Bucks.
Shell Shop a fun store that has improved over the years it is now bright and cheery with lots of sea crafts.
One of my favorite stores on the way to Manasota Key. They have the coolest jewelry. |
I'm having fun at Pirates Dream.
Bruce having fun at Pirates Dream.
Pirates Dream is a store like no other it is jammed with all types of knickknacks that you can hardly walk the isles. The store is located a few miles from the marina. It is more about the experience of going into the store than it is about buying. |