Grand Harbor in Counce, Tennessee
Day #112: HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMANDA (our daughter)! Up at 6:45 A.M. for coffee, grapefruit and cookies. Temperature 57 with fog (again!). Mike and I worked on paperwork in the morning. I have been calling marinas on the Tennessee-Tombigbee canal getting reservations as the looper group is heading south. It is looking like we could be in Demopolis, AL with 5 days of travel. Demopolis, Alabama is at the 32 parallel most insurance companies do not want you south of Demopolis, AL until after November 1st due to hurricane season. We are watching Hurricane Willa that is suppose to hit Mexico tomorrow as some of the hurricane models are showing that we may get remnants rain/storms. At 12:00 P.M. we launched the dinghy. We headed to the Tennessee-Tombigbee canal to explore some coves. In the first one we found two waterfalls. Then we headed to the other side of the canal to another cove. We then headed to back to the boat to pick up a few items heading to Pickwick Lake. We decided that we wanted to see the Yellow Creek waterfall again so we headed there to have happy hour. On our way into the cove Mike saw a coyote on the shore. After the coyote headed off into the woods we anchored in front of the waterfall enjoying snacks and beverages. We were headed back to the boat and just after getting back on Yellow Creek we saw another coyote on the shore. We headed back to the boat and as we were pulling in Chuck from "Paradise" asked us if we would want to join Peggy, Mike, Linda and him at dinner this evening which we accepted. Mike and I put away the dinghy and got dressed for dinner. Chuck drove us to "The Outpost Restaurant in Pickwick". Along, with the restaurant there is The Outpost at Pickwick Lake General Store and The Prospector Inn. All of us stopped at the general store buying fresh baked goods. We had a great evening with friends.
Happy Birthday Amanda! |
Heading out for a dinghy excursion just flat calm. |
A little bit of autumn. |
The "Tombigbee" tow on the Tenn-Tom. |
Yesterday I showed the lines on the bank for the barges to tie to on the bank. Today we actually saw barges tied to the shore.
Mike found these two waterfalls just off the Tenn-Tom in a small cove.
Just happen to catch this little guy.
Cool rock formations near the waterfalls.
On our way into Yellow Creek near the waterfall Mike saw this coyote on the shore. |
Yellow Creek Waterfall. Love the reflection in the water. |
Saw this guy on the shore as we were headed back to the marina. |
The Outpost at Pickwick Dam Restaurant.
Dinner with friends: Chuck, Mike Peggy, Linda, Patty and Mike. |
Very cool place.
The Outpost Pickwick Dam General Store. |