Grand Harbor in Counce, Tennessee
Day #105: Up at 7:00 A.M. yes we slept in this morning. We had coffee, grapefruit, gingersnaps and maple cookies. At 9:15 A.M. Bruce, Bev, Mike and I got the courtesy car from the marina heading to Enterprise in Corinth, Mississippi. The marina has a mailing address of Tennessee but we are in Mississippi and as we drove we went back into Tennessee than back into Mississippi to get the rental car. After picking up the rental car we went to the Kroger, Harbor Freight and Ollie's Bargain Outlet. On our way back we decided to stop for lunch so we headed to the "Rooftop" at "Freddy T's" Restaurant which is on the way back to the marina. Mike and I stopped at a Marathon Station to put gas in the courtesy car. We found the Pickwick Market which will be a close stop with the courtesy car if we need light groceries this week. We headed back to the marina just in time for it to start raining. We got our groceries put away on the boat. Bruce and Bev came over to say "goodbye" as they were going to start heading home to Minnesota breaking up their drive into two days. Mike and I had offered to watch their boat while they are gone they were gracious to let us have the ice from their ice maker. I have been trying to get us set up with cable and internet here at the marina. The cable here at the marina will not work as we do not have a smart TV-who knew. The internet connection that the marina told us to use isn't working even though we are right next to the marina store and office. We could do without the TV and internet but there is a very big football game on Saturday. Time for some downtime. I watched a Netflix disc while Mike read his book. I did get hooked up with a different internet network offered by the marina I was able to stream for a bit so I'm hoping that this will work on Saturday for the game. It rained hard all afternoon, 55 degrees and windy. Mike and I played 3 games of cribbage during happy hour (I won all three games). Going to be a quiet evening as it is raining hard outside.
Everyone here is very welcoming.
Our courtesy van.
Cool picture of us traveling from Mississippi to Tennessee back to Mississippi to get the rental car. |
Very exciting shopping at a Kroger.
Freddy T's Restaurant
We had lunch at the Roof Top at Freddy T's.
Driving back into Grand Harbor.
Tow pushing coal barges went by the marina this afternoon.