Queen’s Cove Marina in Victoria Harbour, ON to 12 Mile Bay
Anchorage, ON
Day: 394 Mike and I were up at 5:30 A.M. for breakfast
nectarine and butter tarts. Beautiful sunny morning with temperature of 56
degrees at 6:00 A.M. At 7:30 A.M. Robin McKeowan the harbor master at Queen’s
Cove Marina did a chart talk for “Parrot Bay”, “Alysana” and “The Lower Place”.
Robin started with asking the number of days that each boat wanted to spend in
Georgian Bay and North Channel. After she had the information she made a plan
for each boat. While she was making the plan she made reservations at Killbear
Marina for “Alysana” and “Parrot Bay” for the weekend as it is a holiday
weekend in Canada. Robin simply texted the harbormaster at Killbear giving him
the information for each of the boats. After the talk John, Gina, Mike and I headed back to our boats to prepare for departure. At 9:45 A.M. both
boats were underway. It was a beautiful day on the water with gorgeous scenery
of cottages and granite. At 11:05 A.M. the boats passed Brebeuf Light. At 1:30
P.M. “Parrot Bay” and “Alysana” arrived at 12 Mile Bay anchorage that Robin had
suggested after traveling 33.7 miles (4,940 miles total for the trip). Mike set
“Parrot Bay’s” anchor. Once the anchor was set John brought “Alysana” alongside
rafting to “Parrot Bay”. The wind was picking up and the boats started to swing
so Mike and I launched the dinghy putting out a stern anchor. The stern
anchor helped with the swinging of the boats. It was decided that it was time
to have a beer to monitor the anchor to make sure that it was holding. Mike and I joined Gina and John on “Alysana” for happy hour. After a few hours of
anchor watch beers it was determined that the anchor was holding. I had my anchor alarm on my phone on just in case. Mike and I at 6:30 P.M. headed back to
“Parrot Bay” to do some navigation planning and blogging. I was unable to
blog so I downloaded pictures and typed out my blog so that it is ready for
when we have internet. The plan for Friday is for the two boats to stay at 12
Mile Bay anchorage. The four of us decided that they are going to dinghy, climb
rocks, swim and take John/Gina’s dinghy heading 8 miles to Henry’s Fish Camp
for lunch.
Robin (dockmaster at Queen's Cove Marina), Charlie ("The Lower Place") and Mike getting a ride out to the pavilion for planning session.
Planning session Mike, Robin K., Robin/Charlie ("The Lower Place") Gina/John ("Alysana"). |
Brebeuf Light
Lots of rock!
Gazebo on the rocks.
"CCGS Samuel Risley"
NEBO trip Victoria Harbour to 12 Mile Bay Anchorage
"Parrot Bay and "Alysana's" stern view at 12 Mile Bay Anchorage. |