Sunday, July 28, 2019

Port of Orillia Marina in Orillia, ON

"Parrot Bay" will cross her wake and put up a gold looper flag in Presque Isle, MI
425 miles to go until "Parrot Bay" is home in Bay City.
4 more locks to go for the trip (including The Big Chute). 

Day #390: Thunderstorms overnight the most rain that Mike and I have had for numerous weeks. We were up at 6:00 A.M. to do two loads of laundry (FREE!!! nothing that a looper likes better then FREE!). Mike and I had cinnamon rolls, grapefruit and coffee for breakfast. The two of us worked on navigation planning for the week and heading into Georgian Bay. At 10:00 A.M. James and Mary Jane from "Late Harvest" brought their Georgian Bay charts spending about one hour with Mike and I discussing marinas and anchorages to stop in Georgian Bay. James and Mary Jane just finished their loop in the past week. One of the items that James and Mary Jane mentioned was the place that Mike and Patty were planning on stopping after leaving the Trent-Severn Waterway has some provisioning but that they might want to stock up while they are in Orillia. Mike and I had lunch then they went through all of the refrigerators and food storage cleaning out and making a grocery list. The two of us then headed out to the Metro grocery store. After provisioning the we put all of the groceries away. The two of us then headed up on the flying bridge to catch a breeze and to read and play the guitar for the afternoon. At 5:00 P.M. Mike and I made hobo dinners on the grill and then Mike made hamburgers on the grill for another nights dinner. After the two of us finished cleaning up and took showers it was time for Sunday night family phone calls and relaxation.

These little ones were baiting their hooks with ham.  There were hundreds of sunfish the minute the ham went into the water and the kids had fish on their line instantly.   In the clear water you could watch it all happening.

 This little girl hooked the sunfish as soon as she put her line in the water. 
James and Mary Jane ("Late Harvest") new gold loopers. They shared their knowledge regarding Georgian Bay with Mike and I.