Fort Pierce City Marina, Fort Pierce, FL to Suntex Marina in Vero Beach, FL
Day #279: Mike and I were up at 5:45 A.M. checking the weather to see if it had changed that would delay our departure. The weather for the morning looked great sunny, warm and winds 10-12 out of the south east picking up in the afternoon hours. Mike from "Dash Away" went to the fuel dock prior to departure. At 7:10 A.M. I started the engines. At 7:30 A.M. "Parrot Bay" followed "Dash Away" off of the fuel dock. Mike and I had a great and short ride to Vero Beach. The marina is located as part of Vero Beach's residential developments so it is gated and safe. At 9:45 A.M. Mike hailed Suntex Marina in Vero Beach where he was given the dock assignment. We were secure at the dock at 10:15 A.M. after traveling 18.6 miles (2744 miles total for the trip). At 12:00 P.M. Mike and I headed to the pool which had two waterfalls. It was sunny, 83 degrees, breezy and very warm. Mike and I read and frolicked in the pool. Mike from "Dash Away" joined the two at the pool in the later afternoon. At 6:00 P.M. we had brats, beans and potato salad. After dinner clean up Mike talked to his parents and I prepared the boat as rain and thunderstorms forecasted.
A little bit different way to advertise. These were the two restaurants at the Fort Pierce City Marina. |
Mike from "Dash Away" leading the way to Vero Beach. |
Osprey with babies (I just missed the little ones head being in view).