Aquamarina Palm Harbour Marina in Cape Haze, Florida
Day #169: Up at 6:00 a.m. to start three loads of laundry. At 6:30 A.M. time for coffee, grapefruit and sweet treats. At 9:00 A.M. all three loads completed. At 10:00 A.M. Mike took me to "All About You" Salon to get a pedicure, manicure and haircut. I had awesome appointments as a treat for the holidays. Mike picked me up at 1:20 P.M. heading back to the marina. Mike and I dropped the rental car keys off to Bev and Bruce as Bev was heading to All About You Salon for a few appointments. Mike worked on a few boats jobs. The weather is the buzz here at the marina everyone is talking about how bad the weather is suppose to be Thursday and Friday. The two of us had happy hour while playing two games of cribbage (Patty won the first game and Mike won the second game which was a skunk). Bev and Bruce dropped off the rental car keys at 5:00 P.M. Mike asked me to go out on a date to dinner. The two of them went to The New Faull Inn where both had pot roast, mashed potatoes, green beans and a roll. The meal was delicious with both bringing half of their pot roast home for a second meal. The two of us headed back to the marina as neither could think of any place that they needed to stop. Mike took down the side curtains on the boat due to the predicted winds increasing through the night. At 6:30 P.M. I watched the live stream of St. Peter Lutheran Church service for the Preschool through 4th graders. My mom is a preschool aide so her little children preformed during the service. Mike read his book. At 8:00 P.M. it was time for college football bowl game.
Mike took this picture of a brown pelican that was in the basin this morning. |
White Ibis in the grass by the parking lot at the marina.
"Bacus" is shown here near the intercoastal waterway but it traveled out getting hung up on a sandbar. TowBoat came to assist to get them off so that they could get into the marina for the night.
My dad Don in the gray shirt and black pants ushering at tonight's church service.
Patty's mom in the pink is an aide for the four year old preschoolers. She is know by all as "Grandma Rosie".
The three and four year old preschool children at St. Peter Lutheran Church. They are so cute at this age some where waving at their families while others were dancing.