Aquamarina Palm Harbour Marina in Cape Haze, Florida
Day #166: Up at 6:30 A.M. for coffee, grapefruit and sweet treats. Clear morning, light winds with temps in the mid-50's At 8:30 A.M. Mike and I met Bruce and Bev at the car to head to Stump Pass State Park. The four of us spent time looking for shells and shark teeth on the beach. Beautiful sunshine with temperatures in the mid-70's. At 1:30 P.M. Bruce, Bev, Mike and I headed back to the marina. Bruce went to watch the Minnesota Vikings versus Miami Dolphins. Mike and I went to the pool where they were joined by Bev. We spent time with Scott and Linda from "Ramble On". Later in the afternoon Scott and Linda headed back to their boat but Kyle and Ed from "It's OK 2" joined us at the pool. At 4:00 P.M. "Patty Parrot's Party Palooza" asked the group what plans were for dinner in which there were no plans so I suggested dinner at The White Elephant which everyone was onboard with so we all headed back to our boats to get ready for dinner. At 5:00 P.M. Bruce, Bev, Ed, Kyle, Mike and I headed to The White Elephant on Manasota Key, Dinner was awesome with friends. As the group was finishing with dinner it was karaoke night at The White Elephant so we stayed for a bit watching people going to up to the stage to sing. At 7:00 P.M. the group headed back to the marina. On the "Parrot Bay" it was time for blogging and phone calls with family.
Bruce and Bev at Stump Pass State Park.
Bruce enjoying the ocean. Small craft advisories today so the waves were large. |
Osprey enjoying fish for lunch.
Mike enjoying the waves of the ocean.
This is Loretta she was the first person to get up at The White Elephant to do karaoke. |
Dinner tonight at The White Elephant.