Midway Marina in Fulton, Mississippi to Columbus Marina in Columbus, Mississippi
Day #118: Up at 5:45 A.M. to get ready for departure. There was just a bit of wispy fog on the water and the temperature was cool. At 7:00 A.M. Mike called the Fulton Lock we were told to come down to the lock that they would be ready for us. Mike also inquired about the fog situation but was told by the lockmaster that it was clear at the lock. We hailed the rest of the looper fleet on VHF Chanel 68 to inform them that the lock would be ready. 9 boats total. Engines on at 7:00 A.M. At 7:15 A.M. we were underway but had issues getting out of the slip that we were in as the water was to shallow we were assisted by "Island Girl" to get off the dock. At 7:45 A.M. we were secure in the Fulton Lock with the other 8 boats from the fleet. We were able to just drive right into the lock as the gate was open and the green light was on. We were secure at 8:10 A.M. we were clear of Fulton Lock (Lock #17) after being dropped 25 feet along with "Optimystique", "Sea Trolley", "It's Someday" "Smooth Dancer", "Virginia Hawkeye", "Bay Tripper", "Island Girl", "Justified". At 9:40 A.M. Mike hailed the Wilkins Lock and he was told that we needed to keep coming as the lock would be ready for us. Again, we drove right into the lock gates open and green light on. We were secure in the lock in the Wilkins Lock at 10:00 A.M. At 10:20 A.M. we were clear of the lock after being dropped 25 feet (Lock #18) and we traveled with the same boats as the prior lock. At 10:50 A.M. Mike called the Amory Lock we were told to "come on down". We were secure in the lock at 11:00 A.M. again we were able to drive right into the lock as the gates were open and the green light was on. We were clear of the Amory Lock at 11:20 A.M. after being dropped 30 feet (Lock #19). At 1:00 P.M. we were secure in the Aberdeen Lock again we were able to drive right in as the gate was open and the green light was on. We were clear of the Aberdeen Lock after being dropped 27 feet this lock (Lock #20 we only traveled with 7 boats as "Optimistique" and "Sea Trolley" stopped short of the lock. At this point we were all feeling very relieved that we had made it through all four locks for the day and we knew that we were going to be able to make it to Columbus Marina. I called Steve at Columbus Marina to let him know that we were on our way which he already knew as he had been watching us on the app NEBO. Steve texted me a layout of the buoys entering the marina channel. We were secure at Columbus Marina with the assistance of the dockmaster Steve, Jimmy the dock hand and fellow Loopers. We traveled 60 miles today for a total of 1579 miles for the trip so far. When we arrived Jay and Penny from "Tyche" were on the dock to greet us when we pulled into the dock. Its like having family to greet you. As we went to check in "Island Girl" mentioned that there is severe weather predicted for Wednesday evening and Thursday (the weather forecast had changed a bit from this morning as the storms are now predicted for Thursday as well) so Mike and I talked to Bruce and Bev deciding to stay one extra day to let the storms pass as tornados are being predicted as well. Steve the dockmaster is a hoot he is funny and really makes you feel welcome when you arrive at his marina. He had our mail waiting for us when we arrive. At 6:00 P.M. we headed to a outside lounge area for docktails. We met "Sea Loons" Tina/Patrick and "Ceci Kay" Jan/Stacy. Back to the boat for blogging and boat paperwork. We will all sleep much better tonight.
Beautiful sunrise.
Secure in the Fulton Lock.
Waiting for the lock gates to close.
"Virginia Hawkeye" dropping in the Fulton Lock.
Eight boats leaving the Fulton Lock.
Secure in the Wilkins Lock.
Steve and "It's Someday" at the back of the Wilkins Lock. Water cascading over the sill. |
Secure at the Amory Lock.
Amory gates opening.
Leaving the Amory Lock.
Turtles just outside of the Amory Lock. |
Secure in the Aberdeen Lock.
Captain Mike never sits down while underway this is a very rare picture of him sitting. |
Oops! Not suppose to be this close.
This is the picture that Steve from Columbus Marina sent on how to approach the marina. |
Columbus Marina from the water.
"Parrot Bay" and "Bay Tripper" heading into Columbus Marina. Thanks to Karen from "Island Girl" for taking and sharing this picture.
Trip from Midway Marina in Fulton, Mississippi to Columbus Marina in Columbus, Mississippi
Dockmaster Steve Arndt a very funny guy.
This is up in the office displaying the boats on that will be entering and leaving the facility.