Day #17: Up at 7 A.M. for grapefruit, coffee and (1) Tom's Mom's Cookies. We are waiting for the mechanic from Irish Boat Shop to look at our alternator/tachometer on the starboard engine. I called The Harbor Lights Marina in Frankfort, MI we are now booked there from 7/26 through 7/31. Mike and I feeling a bit better knowing that we have places to stay as we progress down the Michigan coast. If the weather holds we will be leaving Harbor Springs on Monday, July 23 for Leland. Tuesday, July 24th we will be leaving Leland heading for Frankfurt. We have two reservations in Frankfurt one at Jacobson's Marina Resort for two days (July 24 until July 26) followed by a reservation at The Marina at Harbor Lights for 5 days (July 26 until July 31). Working on boat jobs filling the water tank and sounding the fuel tanks. Brian from Irish Boat Shop came aboard he soldered the tachometer signal wire back onto the alternator (we are very happy!!!). The winds picked up out of the east (the worst possible direction for exposure to our marina) the boat was rocking uncontrollable so we took our chairs up to the grass at the marina. We watched the boats rock and roll all afternoon. Mike helped boats into their slips when needed. Talked to my Mom. It sprinkled a bit so we went back onboard but the boat was bucking and it was not comfortable. After the rain we went back up to the grass about 4 P.M. At 5 P.M. Mike suggested that we go out to eat because of the winds. We went to a small bar called Bar Harbor for cheeseburgers. It was great because it got us off the boat. The winds decreased significantly but the rain was about to begin. Back onboard for blogging, cribbage, Looper Podcasts and reading. Tomorrow should be interesting winds are going to be gusting to 40 miles per hour we are hoping that it is out of the north so that it is has to come over land so that we do not rock to much and it is suppose to storm all day.

PARROT BAY'S GREAT LOOP ADVENTURE 2: The Great Loop is a 5,500 mile trip will include the Great Lakes (Lake Huron and Lake Michigan Shore), Illinois River, Mississippi River, Ohio River, Tenn-Tom Waterway to Mobile, wintering in Florida, Atlantic Intercostal Waterway in the Spring, Hudson River, Erie Canal, Lake Ontario, Canadian Canals (Trent-Severn), Georgian Bay/North Channel returning to Bay City approximately August 2019.
Friday, July 20, 2018
Day #17: Up at 7 A.M. for grapefruit, coffee and (1) Tom's Mom's Cookies. We are waiting for the mechanic from Irish Boat Shop to look at our alternator/tachometer on the starboard engine. I called The Harbor Lights Marina in Frankfort, MI we are now booked there from 7/26 through 7/31. Mike and I feeling a bit better knowing that we have places to stay as we progress down the Michigan coast. If the weather holds we will be leaving Harbor Springs on Monday, July 23 for Leland. Tuesday, July 24th we will be leaving Leland heading for Frankfurt. We have two reservations in Frankfurt one at Jacobson's Marina Resort for two days (July 24 until July 26) followed by a reservation at The Marina at Harbor Lights for 5 days (July 26 until July 31). Working on boat jobs filling the water tank and sounding the fuel tanks. Brian from Irish Boat Shop came aboard he soldered the tachometer signal wire back onto the alternator (we are very happy!!!). The winds picked up out of the east (the worst possible direction for exposure to our marina) the boat was rocking uncontrollable so we took our chairs up to the grass at the marina. We watched the boats rock and roll all afternoon. Mike helped boats into their slips when needed. Talked to my Mom. It sprinkled a bit so we went back onboard but the boat was bucking and it was not comfortable. After the rain we went back up to the grass about 4 P.M. At 5 P.M. Mike suggested that we go out to eat because of the winds. We went to a small bar called Bar Harbor for cheeseburgers. It was great because it got us off the boat. The winds decreased significantly but the rain was about to begin. Back onboard for blogging, cribbage, Looper Podcasts and reading. Tomorrow should be interesting winds are going to be gusting to 40 miles per hour we are hoping that it is out of the north so that it is has to come over land so that we do not rock to much and it is suppose to storm all day.